Admissions Process
Turning Point is proud to have provided Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in New Jersey for over 45+ years.

Our Admissions Process
Evidenced Based Treatment for Alcoholism & Drug Dependency
At Turning Point, our call center operators are available to answer all of your questions between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. We can provide answers to your questions about our admissions process. With multiple locations throughout New Jersey, we can help you find the best location for your convenience.
For more information about specific aspects of our admissions process, please consult the pages below:
The Initial Admissions Process
Admissions at Turning Point involve a four-step process:
- An initial screening call
- An in-person assessment to determine treatment needs
- Registration for a customized treatment plan
- A medical assessment, including a drug screening
Multiple Locations For Your Convenience
You Don’t Need to Go Far for Quality Treatment
Our multiple locations throughout New Jersey offer a completely unique resource to our clients: the ability to be near their families for support. At Turning Point, we know how to maximize a person's chances for effective treatment. Stay close to your family to ensure your best opportunity for a successful recovery.